Glasgow Region Initiatives
Clyde Climate Forest
Launched in 2021, the Clyde Climate Forest is a tree planting initiative in Glasgow City Region with a target to see 18 million trees planted over the next 10 years – that’s 10 trees for every person living in the region.
18 million
That's how many trees the Clyde Climate Forest aims to see planted over the next decade

This headline target includes 1.5 million trees in urban areas across the region to ensure that residents have the opportunity to live in a greener and healthier city.
As a delivery partner of the Clyde Climate Forest, Trees for Cities is delighted to have been working to support council partners across the last two planting seasons - helping to already plant over 5,000 trees.
We’re only just getting started though and having recruited a dedicated Urban Canopy Coordinator to help engage communities and will be working across four neighbourhoods in the region this season, with more to come in future years.
Check out what our plans are below, and stay in touch via the feedback form to find out how you can get involved with planting as part of this new drive for the region!

Upcoming Clyde Climate Forest Projects
Planting season is now finished but if you're keen to get involved, send us an email at with 'CCF' mentioned in the subject line and we'll keep you posted.

We believe trees are an essential part of the urban landscape and planting more of them is a practical and effective way of making our cities greener and healthier.
Urban trees bring many benefits to our towns and cities such as releasing oxygen, keeping the air clean and mitigating the effects already felt by the climate crisis. They create shade, shelter and habitats for wildlife and create beautiful, tranquil spaces for everyone to enjoy.

With a network of partners involved to support planting from the hillsides right into the city centre, The Clyde Climate Forest is being delivered with the help of:
- Trees for Cities
- The Conservation Volunteers (TCV)
- Local Authorities (North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire, East Renfrewshire, Renfrewshire, Glasgow City, Inverclyde, West Dunbartonshire, East Dunbartonshire)
- The Green Action Trust (GAT)
- Scottish Forestry
- The Woodland Trust
- GCV Green Network
Donate to Trees for Cities and together we can help cities grow into greener, cleaner and healthier places for people to live and work worldwide.