Our work

Urban Trees

Trees bring real benefits to our cities, health and wellbeing.

Garden Fork

The effects of climate change are already being felt. We’re experiencing warmer, wetter winters, and hotter, drier summers, creating higher temperatures in our cities. Climate change has caused an increase in pests and disease, which had never previously affected the UK. The impact has been an unprecedented threat to some iconic tree species, including ash, horse chestnut and oak.

With 80% of the population living in towns or cities, many people now breathe dirty air, are at risk of flooding and are struggling with rising temperatures worsened by the urban heat island effect. Without urban trees, our physical and mental health are all affected, and our connection with nature becomes lost. This trend needs to reverse now!

By planting thousands of urban trees each year in the UK and around the world, Trees for Cities is building resilience within urban communities against threats facing the natural environment. We plant a range of tree species that enhance structural and functional diversity in woodlands and city streets, creating greener, happier and healthier places to live.

2400000 tonnes

Each year London’s trees remove 2.4 million tonnes of air pollution, including carbon dioxide, dust and other gaseous toxins.

Check out some of our projects

We'd like to hear from you!

Are you a local authority, CIC, charity or responsible for managing land in urban and peri-urban areas, preferably outside London? Trees for Cities are looking to support organisations' small to medium size planting schemes. Get in touch!