Our 2022/23 Planting Impact

7 September 2023 4 minute read

Philpots Farm
Volunteers helped us plant over 7,000 trees at Philpot's Farm

The latest planting numbers are in! We look back with great pride on what you've helped us achieve across our last planting season, and how far we’ve come across our (almost!) 30 year history.

We’ve continued to expand our urban tree coverage across towns and cities, with an increased focus on coastal areas in the UK. We’re engaging more people than ever with tree planting and maintenance skills, connecting thousands of individuals and communities with nature. Our last planting season saw a record-breaking number of school children benefit from new green spaces in their playgrounds.

A massive THANK YOU to our volunteers, partners and funders for being the driving force behind all of the work that we do 💪 Ultimately it is your active involvement that means we can plant, protect, and promote more urban trees!

To help us continue to grow from strength to strength, donate today in the knowledge your contributions will have a huge impact. Your contributions will make a significant difference to urban communities across the UK and around the world, improving lives for today's and future generations.


That’s how many trees we’ve planted to date

We’ve considerably increased our reach across towns and cities! Check out our 22-23 numbers below.

22/23 season numbers


urban trees took root


People engaged with us. To break that down...


people engaged with us about planting and protecting urban trees


school children benefitted from our school programmes


school staff trained with us to inspire the next generation

TFC Raynham Primary School 68 pixelated 0fdd18ba2bf4890d64d12902ca97caa6
At Raynham Primary School in Enfield, one of three ‘Trees for the Jubilee’ Playground flagship projects

Where have we made this impact?


Across our tree planting schemes, we've greened a wide scope of urban areas across the UK and worldwide! Our latest season included previously unchartered territory, such as seven coastal towns and cities in the UK with the Forgotten Places programme. Protecting and promoting our urban trees has been more important than ever! 21 Tree Cities of the World were recognised in the UK, celebrating cities and towns that meet core standards for the care and planning of urban trees and forests.

Forgotten Places

Through Forgotten Places we helped local authorities who may have lacked either the resources or capacity to increase their urban trees, planting in coastal towns and cities with 10% canopy cover or less. Our work saw us plant over 55,000 trees across 83 locations in seven coastal areas over two planting seasons!

Sidley Ground Bexhill TFC 34
Tree planting at Sidley Recreation Ground in Bexhill, part of the Forgotten Places programme

The Queen's Green Canopy

Following the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, we partnered with The Queen's Green Canopy to develop commemorative planting activities in five towns and cities in England. In Ipswich, one of our Tree Cities of the World, 70 standard trees planted at Murray Park have been recognised by the council as The Queen’s Avenue in Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's honour!

Gippeswyck Park Ipswich Queens Green Canopy
A group of volunteers who helped plant 520 trees at Gippeswyk Park in Ipswich, as part of The Queen's Green Canopy project

National Tree Week

Celebrating all things trees, we planted 8,000+ trees across the UK over the course of National Tree Week with the help of hundreds of dedicated volunteers. As protecting urban trees is always high on our agenda, we hosted multiple maintenance events to give communities the skills they need to nurture the nature around them.

Greening Schools


To date we've delivered greening projects at 290 schools across the UK and worldwide. During our latest 22/23 season Trees for Cities launched 61 new projects from our range of school programmes such as Edible Playgrounds, where pupils learn how to tend to school-grown fruit and veg. We've also started introducing sustainable drainage schemes to help manage flood risk through nature-based solutions.

This is all down to you!

Our achievements to date wouldn’t have been possible without the ash-tounding support of our volunteers and partners.

There is still work to be done to mitigate the effects of the climate crisis. Strategically planting urban trees is an important and tangible part of the solution, enabling carbon capture and biodiversity preservation. Greening spaces also truly improves our quality of life, and empowers communities to come together and connect to nature.

to see your contributions make a real difference!

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Finally, a huge thanks to the players of the People's Postcode Lottery for their continued support, which has enabled us to keep planting more urban trees for people and planet. Being given the ability to create more vital green spaces for current and future generations is our lifeblood at Trees for Cities.

Stay tuned for our 22/23 Annual Impact Report which will cover more project highlights from across the season!

Donate to Trees for Cities and together we can help cities grow into greener, cleaner and healthier places for people to live and work worldwide.
