Our Climate Action Project for Young People in Bradford and Glasgow!

Thanks to £450,000 from The National Lottery Community Fund, the largest funder of community activity in the UK, we're set to champion a brand new intergenerational ‘Trees for Climate Action’ project that will bring generations together by connecting young people in Bradford and Glasgow with experienced professionals working in the environmental sector.
‘Trees for Climate Action’ will offer activities such as tree planting, training and volunteering for 20,000 people aged under 30 in Bradford and Glasgow so that they can learn vital skills. The project will bring young people together to learn from experienced individuals working in the environmental sector through tree-related activities. This three-year project looks to break down divides within communities by bringing generations together to share knowledge, skills and life experiences so that they can work, learn and take positive action to help tackle the climate crisis.

Growing concern around climate change has been reported as a source of considerable worry amongst many young people, resulting in feelings of isolation and anxiety, added to apprehension about their future and that of the planet. Through the social connections made through 'Trees for Climate Action', the project will engage, involve, inspire, upskill and professionalise young people, building confidence to forge new careers in the green sector. In addition to providing social benefits to young participants, the project looks to also help older people at risk of loneliness by helping them create social connections with the younger generation.
Young participants will also have the opportunity to take direct environmental action and contribute towards creating two urban woodlands to help tackle the effects already felt from the climate crisis in both cities.
The project began in October 2022 and will run for three years until September 2025 across the Bradford and Glasgow city regions. Community engagement will complement existing tree planting programmes, including ‘Tree for Every Child’ in Bradford and the ‘Clyde Climate Forest’ in the Glasgow City Region.

We are delighted to be supported by The National Lottery Community Fund as part of the ‘Bringing People Together’ initiative to design and deliver the ‘Trees for Climate Action’ project. This initiative will break down divides between communities across Bradford and Glasgow by bringing together of younger and older generations through tree related activities. We aim to develop practical skills, offer tree planting opportunities, and facilitate conversation and ideas around the climate crisis. Engaging with communities is at the core of the vital work we do at Trees for Cities, therefore we are positive that this project will have a huge impact on how people interact with their environment and each other. ‘Trees for Climate Action’ creates the perfect opportunity for interactions between generations that will create a space for empowerment, sparking meaningful social connection and engaging conversation.
Kate Sheldon, the Deputy Chief Executive at Trees for Cities
The project will be delivered in partnership with the environmental education charity, the Field Studies Council, who will aid green skill-building by providing resources and opportunities to facilitate learning pathways to study and care for new and existing trees. Their team will work with communities in Glasgow and Bradford to deliver tree-focused training and guides, as well as pioneer a network of inspiring tutors. Through this project, the Field Studies Council will deliver skills and training to up-skill at least 4,000 young people directly and through related groups.
'Trees for Climate Action' will also build on the legacy of The Queens Green Canopy (QGC), which engaged communities to plant thousands of trees for Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in areas of greatest need throughout the UK. The initiative will continue the legacy by ensuring that new trees are planted, existing trees are cared for and diverse communities can come together through the common purpose of building relationships, learning, and sharing skills.

We are incredibly proud to be supporting the Trees for Climate Action project, which will bring generations together to build connections and share skills in the outdoors. Thanks to National Lottery players, who raise £30 million each week for good causes across the UK, Trees for Cities will not only support people of all ages to prosper and thrive, but benefit the environment and raise awareness of climate action.
Mel Eaglesfield, Deputy Director of Funding Strategy at The National Lottery Community Fund
To kick-start the project, Trees for Cities will be hosting consultation events in Bradford and Glasgow to understand the needs of the community and create a plan of activities driven by local residents.
Trees for Climate Action is a project led by Trees for Cities in partnership with the Field Studies Council and The National Lottery Community Fund, which has generously awarded money raised by National Lottery players to Trees for Cities through its Bringing People Together programme. The project will build on the legacy of The Queen’s Green Canopy, which engaged communities to plant thousands of trees for Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in areas of greatest need throughout the UK.

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