Celebrate International Day of Forests with poetree!

We're thrilled to announce the winners of our PoeTree competition, honouring our connection to urban trees. Check them out below!
What better way to celebrate World Poetry Day and International Day of Forests than read some lovely poetree? We put out a call for tree and nature inspired poems, and we were inundated with brilliant and heartfelt poems from treelovers all over the world. Here we present the five winners, judged by celebrated writer Robert Macfarlane. Click on the titles below to read them - preferably while sat under a tree in your local park.
Trees for Cities would like to extend a huge thanks to everyone who sent it their poems! You're treemendous.
The Names of Trees by Rae Crossman
I am teaching my children
the names of trees
the shape of leaves
the feel of bark
how roots hold firm
how seeds set forth and travel
the way birds live in their branches
the way their branches live in my heart
I am teaching my children
the rising of sap
the bursting of green
the touching of sky
I am teaching my children
the falling to ground
the falling apart
the way seedlings root on nurse logs
the way saplings reach for light
I am teaching my children
to grow after I’m gone
I am teaching my children
to teach their children
the names of trees
By Rae Crossman
Every morning by Ayla Style
Every morning
I wake
And there it is-
My tree.
Standing guard, a
Being, watching me
Many tiny
Green buds against
Blue sky.
The tree is now
With marshmallow
Draw close, listen
Press an
Ear to the bark-
And hear.
The tree’s
Susurrus over
Traffic, the
Human anthem
The tree is home
For me
It is my roots,
My anchor.
By Ayla Style, 12
The Poplar by Nicole Lee
They planted a poplar seedling
beside the rushing Wandle
and the rustle of its leaves
every spring filled the
meadows with its
great galleon’s breath
The great tree raised
its breast to the wind
and its million green leaves
threw lightsome confetti
on the soft grass where
sometime a hen scumbled
or sometime a mother cried
because her boy was not
coming home from Waterloo
from Kandahar from Ypres
Tobruk Kojima leaves
straying down on her grief
A great branch gouges a gash
in the lawn chainsaws tear up
the afternoon where the rotten
stump stands tall as a man
finger-deep grooves in the grey bark
hard as stone in a graven king’s face
Round the back all is decay
a gothic dank black tenement
the poor inhabitants shiny brown
articulated woodlice
retreating into their cramped quarters
or scuttling over a fungal doorstep
A girl could fit into that slot
wrap the rich black lignin round her
like a wood-nymph’s shift
feel the sap steal through her veins
her limbs reach skywards her dreams
down to a moistly crumbed eternity
By Nicole Lee
White Thorn by Nimue Brown
Before the cyclepath
A railway ran here.
Before then, a field edge
A lane boundary, I know not.
Slow growing hawthorn
Dense your wood, modest your size
Countless your years.
A spring wells cheerful at your roots
They built a tunnel to bear it
Not letting your water wash
This tarmac path away.
At twilight, the soft orange
Glow from a nearby factory
Makes eerie your pale blossom,
Conjures stories of magic to you,
For were you not a fairy tree
In folklore? Now some security light
Singles you out from the hedge
Suggests enchantment where mundane
Realities meet. You stand otherworldly
As darkness claims surrounding trees
On the border twixt night and day
Between industry and field.
Beyond the fence that marks off
Path from forbidden ground
You are friend to the wandering fox
Untouched by passing children,
Beyond my reaching hand
But not beyond my dreaming.
By Nimue Brown
Park Domain Plane by Helen Frederick
A fabulous London Plane
Is my companion today.
His base spans two metres,
Her lower tunk
A vertical scorched riverbed,
Splashed with golden lichen.
Sags and lumps around his lower girt
Show a little middle aged spread,
Or past seasons of plenty.
I circle her and count
Twelve main toes to his foot.
Never pollarded
Allowed to grow magnificently,
To the height and breadth
Nature saw fit.
She branches at seven metres,
Into three main arms,
Two divide trice more,
The third climbs solo,
I must crane my neck
To seek its peak.
Some branches cascade
A foot from the grass.
I trace one eleven metres,
The size of a firkin barrel
On departing the trunk,
It tappers to a new green stem
The width of a flea,
Suspending a beautiful
Soft spiky Malteser sphere,
Decorated in pink,
When you bring your eye near.
Other branches display
Last year’s baubles,
Hanging Like Ferrero Rocher.
They snow into hundreds
Of fluffy canopied seeds
If you’re tempted to tap them.
His lower arms
In flakey camouflage green,
Fade to grey tips
Wit a hint of olive
Beneath their sheen.
Tiny new leaves,
Tan gold sovereigns on opening,
And silk velvet soft,
Grow into large hands
As they bathe in sunlight,
And turn vibrant parakeet green.
Outgrown dust coats shed
Onto my inquisitive fingers.
What looks like perfection
Is full of irregularity;
Many branches twist and corkscrew,
Junction where a branch was lost,
And continue in another direction.
Collectively they create
A circular lattice,
A giant Victorian birdcage
Suspended around her trunk,
Maximising light to every leaf.
I long to see this majestic tree
In full Summer dress.
What a spectacular wonder.
I am in awe at your beauty.
How long have you lived,
Two hundred years?
will you thrive
Two hundred more,
If no human interferes?
What have you witnessed,
In all of your time?
What could we learn,
From your rhythm and rhyme?
What a contrast you are
To your pollarded,
Skeletal street siblings.
I wish all who pass blindly,
Or do not visit at all,
Could behold
Your exquisite splendour,
And discover
Your stupendous story,
For you are a London plane
In full magnificent glory.
By Helen Frederick

International Day of Forests
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 March the International Day of Forests (IDF) in 2012. The Day celebrates and raises awareness of the importance of all types of forests - including urban forests. As you can see from the poems, our urban trees are pretty amazing. Not only do they provide a source of beauty and interest in bleak urban landscapes, they have crucial environmental benefits and give all us city-dwellers a place to relax, away from the stresses and strains of everyday life.
But our urban trees have come under increased threat in recent decades and we are now at risk of losing the lungs of our towns and cities. Every day more than 50 urban trees in the UK disappear; as a result of aging, disease or simply increasing city sprawl. With 80% of us now living in urban areas, we now need our trees more than ever.
Tree cities of the world
We're proud to be part of the Tree Cities of the World programme, connecting cities around the world to create a network dedicated to sharing how we all manage urban trees and forests to make our cities greener and more robust.
Join #GenerationTree
Help make our towns and cities greener, happier and healthier by planting MORE trees! For just £6, we will plant 1 tree in an urban woodland.
Help us create a movement of urban tree planters and enable and inspire the next generation! #GenerationTree
Get involved!Donate to Trees for Cities and together we can help cities grow into greener, cleaner and healthier places for people to live and work worldwide.