Sponsor Stories: 8-year-old eco warrior Zelda

Zelda loves trees and the outdoors, so she decided for her 8th birthday she was going to fundraise for more trees! We caught up with Zelda and her Dad to see what inspires this young environmentalist.
Giving back on birthdays
“I started fundraising for my birthday when I was six years old with Ocean Cleanup,” Zelda tells us, “Then I did Trussell Trust. Then I did Trees for Cities.”
Zelda’s face lights up as she gets to talk about one of her favourite topics – trees. “I decided on Trees for Cities because then it means both people and nature are helped. I also love learning about photosynthesis, which my Dad teaches me about.”
Some people don’t really understand it, but we wouldn’t be alive without trees because they give us oxygen to breathe!
Planting and protecting nature
So, where is all this young activism coming from?
Zelda tells us stories of early memories in nature whilst visiting grandparents in Yorkshire and Herefordshire, and the joys of climbing trees.
Her favourite tree is one near where her grandparents live, an ancient old oak. “It’s hollow, and me and my brothers, Mum and Dad can sit in there!”
She’s also planted a new tree at her grandparent’s house, and so gets to see how much it’s grown each time they visit.
Protecting nature is also a big part of their school’s curriculum. Each class has an ‘eco rep’ on the school council, and children take an active role in looking after their school garden.
All these things have made nature central to this family’s life, and the result is children who grow up wanting to protect their natural world.
Making a tangible difference
It makes me feel proud. It makes me feel like I'm sort of a part of something.
Zelda has raised £160 to help us plant trees, equalling 26 trees! How does that make her feel to know people will one day enjoy them as mature trees? “Well, it makes me feel proud. It makes me feel like I'm sort of a part of something.”
When asked what she would say to her friends to inspire them to help plant trees and help the environment, Zelda advises, “If they wanted to do it, then they should go for it. It's not going to happen if you just wait for it.”
Proud parents
“We're always proud of her,” Zelda’s Dad says, Zelda grinning up at him, “but it's certainly not something I would have done as a six-year-old, choosing to go without presents. Well, she gets presents from family, but everyone else adds to her fundraising. ”
"He's got an app,” says Zelda, clearly just as proud of her Dad’s tree-achievements, “and if he walks over a certain amount, that's a certain amount of trees planted.”
How you can help
We couldn’t do what we do without amazing supporters like Zelda and her family (Zelda’s brother also raises money for his birthday and her mum donates to Trees for Cities every month!)
If you want to feel part of something too, there are a few ways you can get involved:
- You can help plant and protect urban trees with a donation
- Sign up to Tree Times, our monthly dose of urban tree news and opportunities straight to your inbox
- Follow us on social media @TreesForCities
Donate to Trees for Cities and together we can help cities grow into greener, cleaner and healthier places for people to live and work worldwide.