Summer Fundraising tips
Summer is hopefully now in full swing, and we’re really wishing for it to stay like this from now on - there’s still hope for a magical summer full of fun and frolics among our urban greenery.
There are also plenty of ways you can raise money to help our city trees too - we've listed a few below for you to put the fun in fundraising this summer:
Picnics in your local park

The best way to celebrate your local park is to use it, and what better way is there of doing this than inviting friends, family, and neighbours down to enjoy a day in the sun?
You can make a few dishes and desserts, bring a few bottles of water and juice, and ask people to donate in exchange for tasting some of your creations. You could even ask a couple of people to help and bring along some dishes of their own!
It’s a fun, family-friendly day out that can bring people together, and normally, you won’t need permission to hold an event in a public park. However, do make sure you double-check everything with your park’s “Friends Of” group or your local park officer, especially if you plan on setting up marquees, or serve alcohol.
Top tip: post on community message boards about your event to attract more people along and make new friends!
Host a garden party/barbecue

If your local park is too far away, or you’re not certain if the weather will hold out, you can always move the party to your garden and host a gathering there.
Crack out the barbecue, invite your friends and family, and have a social gathering in aid of our city trees.
You can either charge people a small entry fee, or charge them for food and drinks, and donate the proceeds to Trees for Cities.
Top tip: why not branch out and use this party as a way to get to know your neighbours?
Bake some cakes

Ah cake, that bastion of delightfulness. It really tops off a lovely summer’s day, especially if you’re stuck in an overheated office on the hottest day of the year, unproductively staring out the window and dreaming of when the slow march towards 5pm will finally come to an end.
Why not brighten up the inside of your office by holding a summer bake sale? You could have a crack at supplying them all yourself, or asking a couple of friends to contribute.
Ask people to donate in return for a slither of sugary goodness, and spread the good vibes!
Top tip: you could even turn it into a competition and so who from your office is the best baker! Everyone who wants to enter can donate a fee to Trees for Cities, and anyone who would like to judge (eat) their creations can also donate for the honour.
Get on yer bike!

If you're feeling active and want to raise money to help our city trees, why not saddle up and do a sponsored bike ride?
Whether you fancy going from John O'Groats to Lands End, or just doing a quick cycle around your area, riding your bike not only promotes cleaner transport and a healthier lifestyle, you could also use it to help plant city trees!
Have a look at our training guide if you plan on doing a sponsored bike ride - it's full of hints and tips to make sure you're ready to take on a challenge.
Top tip: create a fundraising page on JustGiving to collect funds for your bike ride - it's quick, easy to manage, and simple to use.
Anything else?
If you have any other ideas for summer fundraising, we’d love to hear them! Email us about anything you’re planning to do and send us pictures.
Be sure to download our fundraising guide too - it's bursting with useful info and ideas to help you make the most out of your fundraising.
Have a happy summer!
Donate to Trees for Cities and together we can help cities grow into greener, cleaner and healthier places for people to live and work worldwide.