Trees for Cities is on The Rest Is Politics podcast

22 August 2024 1 minute read

A street in east London with a ginkgo tree on the street

We're thrilled to recently get a shout out on The Rest Is Politics podcast from Alastair Campbell for our campaign on The Power of Urban Trees in Cooling Cities. It was also great to hear Rory Stewart set out his vision for Labour to put a new deal into action for London’s Green Belt, advocating for turning the majority of London's Green Belt into a National Park and planting millions of trees.

Catch the segment on national parks in the UK 29.26 minutes in:

Let it be something that in two, three hundred years’ time, people can look at these giant oak trees planted by this Government, which are going to improve air quality, climate, leisure, temperature.

Rory Stewart on The Rest Is Politics podcast

London Tree Ring

Rory's vision aligns directly with Goal 5 of the London Urban Forest Plan - "Create more woodland, especially species-rich woodland, in London, particularly in the Green Belt". The Plan was developed by the London Urban Forest Partnership, a network of organisations that collaborate to protect, manage and enhance the capital's trees and woodlands. It recognises the opportunity that the Green Belt presents for the creation of new trees and woodland.

Two London Urban Forest Partners, CPRE London and Greenspace Information Greater London, have conducted mapping to identify priority sites for woodland creation, avoiding areas of other precious habitats and considering other land use. Trees for Cities and the other partners are now able to find planting opportunities led by this data, which will link wooded and wild areas so wildlife can easily move from one area to another, strengthen the capital’s biodiversity, and provide welcoming spaces for community use.

We're planning on our first planting project linked to this new mapping in Redbridge this planting season, so watch this space!

Tree of the Day: Our ginkgo

Also, check out this beautiful ginkgo biloba we planted nearly 24 years ago, featured in Alastair Campbell's Tree of the Day!

Donate to Trees for Cities and together we can help cities grow into greener, cleaner and healthier places for people to live and work worldwide.
